Welcome to the former online home of New City Baptist Church!

Our congregation approved a merger with Mount Pleasant Road Baptist Church on January 21, 2024.

Once we receive the green light from the CRA, we will be officially known as Mount Pleasant Baptist Church. For now, we are one church under that name (spiritually), but two charities (legally).

Join us at 10:30am every Sunday and 7:30pm every Thursday at 527 Mt. Pleasant Rd.


June 9, 2024 Preacher: Alex Bloomfield Series: Sunday School: Church Basics

Four Biblical Texts on deacons: Acts 6:1-7, 1 Tim. 3:8-13, Phil. 1:1, Rms. 16:1

Big Picture: The biblical role of deacons is to take care of the physical and logistical needs of the church so that the elders can be released to concentrate on their primary calling: devoting themselves to the ministry of the word and prayer. Deacons do this by faithfully facilitating church service within the membership under the leadership of the elders. They are both servants and “shock-absorbers” in areas of church life where potential disunity may arise.

Helpful summary: Elders lead ministry, deacons facilitate ministry, the congregation does ministry.

Who are Deacons: Deacons are members of the church, men or women, who meet the biblical qualifications. They are not necessarily the most skilled person in the church at a certain task. “Above reproach” character in line with 1 Timothy 3 is the greater concern

Two duties that every deacon should have: liaising with elders on areas involving their portfolio; and recruiting, training, and empowering servant leaders within their portfolio. Deacons don’t do everything themselves. They facilitate. They communicate. They ensure it’s getting done properly.


“Role Specific” vs “Broad mandate” deacons

We prefer the role-specific model, which is practically described in the follow six statements:

1) Role Specific deacons are assigned a particular “portfolio” in which to be “leading servants”. They do not task themselves with finding areas of service. They receive a specific mandate from the elders, within which they make decisions and facilitate service amongst the members.

2) Within their portfolio, deacons are encouraged to operate without seeking outside approval. In some decision-level cases, they will consult with elders. This encourages efficiency and effectiveness. Each deacon should form and lead teams of volunteers. The deacon’s job is not to do everything themselves. More often, their job is to organize, oversee, and keep a project moving.

3) Role Specific deacons do not meet formally with one another. There is no deacons “board.” There may be occasions when practically, (i.e. ahead of a special event), multiple deacons’ portfolios collide, and so pre-planning together may be prudent.

4) Each individual deacon communicates regularly (but not all-the-time) with a designated elder, who will relay any “direction-level” issues to the rest of the elders. Deacons may be invited to attend an elder meeting on occasion to provide more detailed updates and receive direction.

5) Deacon portfolios are not permanent. As the life of the church changes, so may the areas of need.

6) While deacons have a narrow focus of service they are still official officers of the church. As such, they must own that title. They must be a model member by being present and active at Sunday services, prayer meetings, and members’ meetings as well as discipling other members and being hospitable.

More in Sunday School: Church Basics

June 16, 2024


June 2, 2024

Church Discipline

May 26, 2024

Elder-Led Congregationalism (Pt. 2)